What is Family Therapy? | therapist
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Family Therapy


Who is your family? What does your family look like? Are you adopted? What have you learned from your family? How many generations are you aware of? Do you have family customs, traditions and beliefs? What are your family secrets? What is the personality of your family?


These are all topics that can be addressed through family therapy.

Family therapy is grounded in the belief that individual issue effect the entire family unit. As a result the most longstanding results are realized by incorporating the entire family unit and exploring how the family dynamic contributes to the issue. Often familes may realize that the issues of one family member are effecting other members of the family. However, it is less likely that the family understands that the family dynamic contributes to the issues of one family member. This is where I can help. 


This work can be grueling for the family and often involves exploring generations of family functioning and exposing family secrets. The benefit of this work can be amazing. Imagine digging up a tree by its roots and replanting it in fertile, healthy, stable ground. The work is difficult but worth it.



“In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past and the bridge to our future."

Alex Haley

Alma Watkins

Ed.M, M.A., LMHC

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